How can Technology help me move better?

With the snow finally gone, all of Rhode Island can get outside and start moving again. But are you moving the right way? Whether you’re a runner, golfer, or simply becoming more active, there are a lot of factors that go into proper technique and injury prevention. Throughout America there is a large emphasis placed on strength, flexibility, nutrition, and scheduling. While each characteristic independently is important, how they interact together is vital to proper movement mechanics. Repetitive injuries are frequently seen in our clinic in the springtime as everyone rushes outside to enjoy the nice weather. If you frequently find that the more you do a certain activity, the more painful or limited you become, you may be placing your body at risk for major injury due to a movement dysfunction. The good news is that you don’t have to stop moving, but you do have to change the way you’re moving! In many cases, pain can be managed without stopping our activity, while also preventing a larger injury in the future.

At McVay Physical Therapy we feature licensed Doctors of Physical Therapy and Strength & Conditioning Specialists who specialize in preventing and treating musculoskeletal injuries. In our clinic we have great success breaking down the body’s mechanics using slow motion video capturing software to identify what is contributing to your injury, pain, or poor performance. For example, in runners and walkers, lower extremity injuries such as plantar fasciitis, shin splints, or Achilles tendonitis are frequently evaluated and treated successfully by adjusting your stride length, landing pattern, or proper prescription of footwear. When looking at golfers and weight lifters, mobility restrictions in the hips that limit power generation and torque are difficulty to identify with just the naked eye. Viewing your swing, or lifting technique frame-by-frame with a licensed Physical Therapist can diagnose your restriction and be treated quickly and easily. These are just a few applications as we have also used the software for overhead throwing athletes, while also utilizing a smartphone enabled posture tracker for patients with neck & shoulder pain.

At McVay Physical Therapy we offer comprehensive programs that combine the latest advances in sports medicine and orthopedic expertise in an effort to help prevent or recover from injury. We work closely with your physician, and insurance provider to ensure good communication between all parties concerning your care. At discharge from our care, we can provide recommendations for local fitness and bodywork professionals to help maintain you’re newly achieved health.

For a short time, we’re offering a free 15 minutes complimentary injury screen! This screen is set-up to quickly assess an area of pain, offer a few suggestions through corrective exercises (flexibility or strengthening), or refer to an orthopedic specialist if the injury is serious and needs immediate attention. Call to schedule your appointment and bring in the attached voucher to start moving again!

Injury Screen Card Online

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